Prepare to be inspired and equipped to break through barriers to the next level in your walk with God during Breath of Life Missions 2023 Shifting the Atmosphere Conference: Breaking Barriers!
Sessions led by seasoned prophetic leaders: Apostle Jonathan Patterson, Prophet and Revivalist Phil Cappuccio, Prophetess and Pastor Cindy Bittan Meeks, Prophet James Jorgensen, and Prophetic Teacher Daphne Jorgensen. Worship led by Prophetess Claritza Angeline.
Conference hosted under the exceptional hospitality of Bethpage Community Church, Pastors Lisa and Joe Calabrese.
Friday: October 13, 2023 - 1 PM - 10 PM and
Saturday: October 14, 2023 - 9 AM - 6 PM
REGISTER NOW: Breathoflifemissions.org
$40 Per Person
(Credit Card, PayPal)
QUESTIONS: breathoflifemissions@gmail.com